Pursuant to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), Japanese do not need a business (B-1) or tourism (B-2) visa to visit the U.S., but must obtain an electronic system travel authorization (ESTA) for a minimal fee to be admitted. Just the same, a Japanese person may still be refused entry by a U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) officer at the port of entry.


Some of the reasons for refusal of entry are:


  • non-disclosure of criminal history (including any arrest)

2)  non-disclosure of prior refusal of entry

3)  non-disclosure of prior refusal of visa application

4)  non-disclosure of prior cancellation of visa

5) reply to a question during the interview at the port of entry is inconsistent with a statement or fact disclosed in the application for ESTA

6)  intention to look for work or to accept if offered a job in the U.S.

7)  staying in the US beyond the maximum visiting period during a prior visit

8)  non-disclosure of a fact that may be considered a reason to overstay in the U.S. i.e. the applicant has a romantic relationship or intends/plans to marry a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident in the near future in the U.S.


The reason for refusal may be any one of the above or a combination of reasons. It is important to keep in mind that one cannot really hide certain facts (as those referred to in items 1, 2, 3, 4,  7 and 8 which can be verified by the CBP officer at the time of interview. In addition, any of the following may also be considered a ground for refusal of entry if not satisfactorily explained.


1)  too frequent visits to the U.S. in a span of one to two years

2)  spending too much time in the U.S. (i.e. 2-3 months) during each visit

3)  failure to present a two-way trip ticket


Under U.S. immigration law, it is presumed that every visitor visa applicant is an intending immigrant and the visitor has the burden of showing that this is not the case. Accordingly, if the CBP officer entertains even the smallest doubt that the person seeking admission at a port of entry will stay only for a specific, limited period, or that the visitor’s purpose is simply for business or tourism, the officer will refuse entry. Thus, it is very important for a visitor to convince the officer not only that he or she has a compelling reason to return to his or her home country (i.e. financial, employment and/or strong family ties) but also has no intention of staying in the U.S. beyond the authorized period of ninety (90) days.


VWP travelers are not supposed to be able to board their flight without an ESTA. Still, even if a VWP traveler manages to board his flight without ESTA approval, he or she may be denied entry to the U.S. Always remember that like a valid visa, ESTA approval only authorizes the traveler to board a flight bound for the U.S. and does not guarantee admissibility at a U.S. port of entry. CBP officers have absolute discretion to determine the traveler’s admissibility at a port of entry.


Finally, the 90-day period is non-extendible. And while in the U.S., you may not apply to change your nonimmigrant status if you were admitted to the United States under the VWP.



ビザ免除プログラム「Visa Waiver Program (VWP)」により、米国に訪問する日本人はビジネスビザ又は観光ビザは必要ありませんが、入国するために比較的安い料金で電子渡航認証「electronic system travel authorization  (ESTA)」を取得しなければなりません。但しESTAを取得していたとしても米国税関と国境入国の審査官に入国拒否される可能性があります。



1)  ESTA申請書に犯罪歴 (逮捕を含め) を記載しなかったこと

2)  ESTA申請書に過去に入国を却下されたことを記載しなかったこと

3)  ESTA申請書に過去のビザ申請が却下されたことを記載しなかったこと

4)  ESTA申請書に過去にビザが取り消されたことを記載しなかったこと

5)  ESTA申請書に記入したことと面接で話したことが矛盾していること


8)重要な事実を隠し、審査官に「米国に在留しすぎる可能性があると」考えさせること(例えば、訪問者が近い将来に米国籍者或いは合法的永住者と結婚するという意志・予定があること) (米国に期間を超えて滞在の理由と考えられること)



1) 1-2年間以内の米国への訪問回数が多すぎる

2) 各訪問の在留期間が長すぎる(例えば、2-3ヶ月間くらい)

3)  往復の切符を提示しなかったこと







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